eating out when you are trying to eat healthy.

1. Location, Location, Location.  Pick a restaurant that you know has heart healthy, low fat menu options.  You can easily go online and find a menu to most restaurants and determine if that particular restaurant is a good choice for you.
2. Lighter Cooking Methods.  Order your foods steamed, broiled or grilled instead of creamed, pan-fried or scalloped.  Hone in on the preparation description and order accordingly.  Many chefs will prepare your food with less or no added fat when asked.
3. Refuse the Bread Basket. I don’t know about you but the temptation to eat the bread (or chips at a Mexican restaurant) is too great. Instead ask the server to not bring it and skip the stress.
4. Drink Water.  Order water and start sipping right away.  Maybe that hunger is really thirst?  Even if it isn’t you’ll be drinking no calories as opposed to sugary drinks and alcohol which can be a lot of empty calories.
5. Split the Food. Many restaurants offer portion sizes that are too big for most of us.  If you’re dining at one of these either split the entree with a dining companion or put half away in a to go box right away.
6. Eat Before Going Out.  I often have a piece of fruit, low-fat cheese or vegetables an hour or so before we leave for the restaurant.  This way I’m not “starving” when ordering and I’m more likely to make good choices.
7.  Order On the Side.  Order all dressings, sauces and gravies on the side or go without.  You can order your food without these additions or if you want a taste ask for them on the side.  I usually do this with my salad dressing just because a lot of restaurants use too much.
8. Substitute. This doesn’t mean substituting lobster for steak but rather healthier sides or condiments for not so good options.  Use salsa instead of butter on that baked potato or lemon on your fish instead of sauce.
9. More Vegetables.  Restaurants generally don’t have a problem substituting additional vegetables for the potato or rice side dishes.  Just make sure you’re not swapping a plain baked potato for fried anything!
10. Skip the Entree. Make a meal out of a healthy appetizer and a salad.  You’ll eat lighter and for less money.
11.  Who's turn is it anyway?  Order first, you might have the best of intentions to eat well, but after listening to everyone else order a greasy hamburger, your will power will be tested.
12. Pace your Face & Enjoy the Conversation.  If you’re busy interacting with your dining companions then you’re not stuffing your mouth.  Eating smaller bites slowly will keep you from getting full before your stomach sends the signal.  This also allows you to appreciate and savor your food.  What is your hurry anyway?  It takes 20 minutes for you stomach to get the memo that it is full and most meals only last 10 minutes!
These are a just a few of the strategies we use when eating out.  Eating out can pose a challenge, but if you follow some simple strategies, you should be able to enjoy your night regardless!


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