What is this 21 DAY FIX everyone is talking about???

You can't outrun your fork.  A healthy lifestyle consists of 80% kitchen & 20% exercise. It is no wonder that so many people struggle to lose weight if they are not willing to look at the source of the problem.

Most workout programs focus on the workouts only, leaving you to figure out the diet maze for yourself.
And then there’s the 21 Day Fix, which is a whole new ball game. In fact, it has turned eating right into an easily understandable and doable practice of eating healthy nutritious food that supply you with energy.
So, what exactly is the 21 Day Fix? It takes 21 days to form a habit or break a habit, so this is the foundation the program is built upon. It’s all about forming simple, healthy eating and exercise habits that, after 21 days, will set you on the right path for life.  It takes this program out of the category of being a diet because you learn new habits, making the 21 Day Fix a lifestyle change.
And what exactly is its promise? Lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days and get healthy for life! (some have been known to lose even more!)
Wondering if it’s really possible to achieve this from a simple program? The 21 Day Fix is easy to follow and incorporate into your everyday life, if you want it. After reading through the program’s eating plan and completing the workouts, this program really is simple. 

The Lowdown

21 Day Fix is just 21 days long. However in these three weeks, you will learn a foolproof way of eating based on portion control. Once you learn how to eat this way, you can continue eating healthy foods without the need for weighing your food, counting every single calorie and it becomes a way of life.
21 Day Fix teaches you how to eat healthy – it is meant to fix unhealthy habits. Once you are done with the program, you will know how to eat a well-balanced diet that is roughly 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. BUT it is important to know that because it is NOT a diet, you don't give up all of life's pleasures either.  You are allowed to still have some chocolate and wine (in moderation), but what diet allows you to do that?!?!
Plan to succeed, follow your OWN eating plan that is specific to you, do the workouts and you WILL see the results – plain and simple. It really is as easy as changing the way you think, and you can change your body for life.

The Meal Plan
What if dieting were as easy as measuring out your food in color coded containers? Well, it is with the 21 Day Fix containers, which are the heart and the soul of how this program will not only change the way you eat, but also how you think about food.
This program comes with 7 color coded containers you can use to portion out your meals and bring with you.
Here’s what you receive:

  • Green Container for vegetables
  • Purple Container for fruits
  • Red Container for protein
  • Yellow Container for complex carbohydrates
  • Blue Container for nuts and healthy fats
  • 2 Orange Containers for seeds and oils

And if you’re worried they’re cheap containers that will perish after only a couple of uses, then think again! I was pleasantly surprised to find these were not only dishwasher and microwave safe, but also BPA free and quite sturdy (they have withstood the test of a one year old chucking them across the kitchen!)
The meal plan guide comes with an easy mathematical equation to figure out roughly how many calories you will be eating. You can then match this number to a chart that shows how many servings of each container you can eat throughout the program. Remember, if you lose enough that you drop down to a lower calorie ratio, make sure to update your daily container allowances.  Or if you are a new mom, remember to bump yourself up a category if you are nursing.
As you can see, the 21 Day Fix diet is not a starvation diet – you eat healthy foods to energize your workouts. Many people are actually pleasantly surprised (myself included) how much you actually get to eat!

Overview of the 21 Day Fix Workouts

So, now that I have given you the 80% of your lifestyle change, I have to tell you about the 20%: the workouts. Most people do not have a lot of time on their hands and are concerned about fitting working out into their daily routine.  Well stop right there.  Who doesn't have 30 minutes?  If you are trying to go to the gym, you might spend 30 minutes just getting there...forget about the ride home!  The beauty of it is that you don't have to go anywhere and you can get a workout that yields results you get from going to the gym.
This program is intended for anyone on any level, so there is a modifier in each workout. You can follow Kat if you’re just beginning to exercise after a long time away or you’re feeling overwhelmed at any point during the workouts. 
With only 30 minutes of workouts, you they are designed to push you to achieve results. Here’s a short breakdown of each ones included in the regular program:
  • Cardio Fix: This 31 minute workout is based on the HIIT principle (High Intensity Interval Training). One minute bursts of higher intensity exercises, followed by 20 seconds. There are two sets of two exercises with each round followed by the rest period. Think classic moves like jumping jacks and push-ups mixed with not-so-classic moves like skater jumps.
  • Upper Fix: This 30-minute workout has you working your upper body – plain and simply. The only equipment necessary are weights or resistance bands and a mat. This time, she has you doing two sets of five different exercises with 20 seconds of rest in between. It includes everything from classic movies like a plank and chest presses to scissor twists.
  • Lower Fix: You’ll only need weights and a mat for this workout. In this workout, you’ll be doing two sets of two exercises with the 20 second rest period. You’ll be working every part of your lower body from your calves to your butt.
  • Pilates Fix: You’ll only need a mat for this 33-minute workout, since it’s all floor exercises much like Pilates would be. Its Pilates-based movements include everything from the classic hundreds to c center.
  • Total Body Cardio Fix: You’ll need weights and a mat for this workout, which includes four rounds of two exercises and a 20 second rest period. It covers your entire body with an emphasis on cardiovascular conditioning and muscle toning.
  • Dirty 30: This workout has a distinctive name, but with the dirty thrown in there, it has to be a little gritty. You will need weights and a mat for this one, but my advice would be to be VERY careful with the moves you have to do. There are lots of advanced, compound movements where you could really hurt yourself if you don’t pay close attention to your form. So…make the most of Kat if you find yourself having difficulty hitting the moves!
  • Yoga Fix: The only thing you’ll need for this workout is yourself and your mat. This half hour workouts was designed to help you stretch out and elongate those muscles you worked all week. It is a nice addition for the seventh day, since you will really need it. It combines classic yoga moves and has you following a series of moves. I enjoyed it very much, but then again, I love yoga.
  • 10 Minute Fix for Abs: This 10-minute workout has you doing all of Autumn’s favorite ab exercises. Granted, they are mostly crunch variations with the bicycle move thrown in there, but it is tough and will definitely hit your abs in good way. This will leave you with ab definition by the end of the program, since you can add it to your daily workouts if you want.
  • Plyo Fix (bonus): This 30-minute bonus workout that you will only receive if you purchase through Team Beachbody can be added in whenever you feel like it, whether it’s in place of Cardio Fix or just as an added bonus to another workout day. It is tough and will have you torching calories with its six rounds of plyometric-based movements. It’s intense, but easy-to-follow and will build strength and endurance to get you a lean, toned physique.
Like I said before, each workout has modifier moves you can follow; which is really great for beginners or when you’re feeling like you can’t keep up. That means even if you’re a couch potato, you can still follow this program and get yourself on the fast track for eating healthy and losing weight.

What Type of Results Can You Expect?

The 21 Day Fix is built two fold to get you results.
  1. Fast Weight Loss – the promise is to lose 15 pounds in 21 days. If you are severely overweight, this is easily attainable. However if you don’t have a ton of weight you’d like to lose, the  average weight loss for most people will be 5-10 pounds in 21 days on the Fix. My 21 results post baby, I lost 12 pounds and 11.5".  

      2 .Long Term Weight Loss – the 21 Day Fix is also a long term weight loss program. After the 21 days, you will be amazed at how you will begin to recognize how much you are eating and how much you should be eating thanks to the portion approach. With this knowledge, you can continue losing weight simply by eating right and continuing to exercise. Since completing the 21 days, I have lost an additional 6 pounds in another month. 

Who Is the 21 Day Fix Trainer?

Autumn Calabrese is the trainer and creator of the 21 Day Fix program. Autumn is a national-level bikini contestant, celebrity fitness trainer, and most importantly, a mom. Her claim to fame is the portion approach to eating and working out in a consistent and controlled manner.

How Much Does the 21 Day Fix Program Cost?

21-Day-Fix-Essential-PackageOPTION 1:
When I first heard about what the 21 Day Fix was, I thought for sure it would be out of my budget, but ended up being pleasantly surprised. If you order through this link, you can purchase the 21 Day Fix Essential kit for only $59.95, which includes:

  • The 21 Day Fix Workouts
  • color coded portion control containers
  • Shakeology shaker cup
  • 21 Day Fix Meal plan
  • 3 Day Quick Fix eating plan
  • A Bonus workout for ordering through me, YOUR FREE COACH! :)
21-Day-Fix-Ultimate-Upgrade-packageOPTION 2:
Beachbody has also put together the 21 Day Fix Ultimate Upgrade package which includes:
Two additional workouts, Barre Legs & Flat Abs Fix, Large 21 Day Fix Container to mix your small Fix containers together, resistance band, and 21 Day Fix Insulated Tote Bag.
 The Ultimate Upgrade is an additional $59.95.
Beachbody has also put together the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack which is the 21 Day Fix Essential Kit & Shakeology. This package gets you the 21 Day Fix Essential Kit, a month’s worth of Shakeology, a free 30-day trial of the Team Beachbody Club, and it the most popular option!  The Shakeology provides you with a meal that is already fix approved (plus you can add yummy things like fruit and peanut butter to make it a treat you ALMOST feel guilty about!)  This cuts down on your grocery costs and it also gives you more time in your day.  Using Shakeology also helps to yield the best results possible as it is a dense nutrition shake full of super-foods and vitamins that leaves you full and satisfied. 
*All purchase options come with a 30-day no questions asked, money back guarantee.
So now that you know how easy it is to lose your bad habits in 21 days, ARE YOU READY???


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