Holiday Weight Gain

Did you know that “holiday weight gain” is ranked as the #2 fear of people during the holiday season?  Maybe it is because they know that it will make their New Year's resolution (weight loss/fitness is always in the top 5, but usually #1) a little bit tougher. It is definitely possible to avoid the unwanted gains by apply just a few easy tips.
The weight gain most people are referring to is the result of an accumulation of negative behaviors such as 6 weeks of less exercise, an increase in parties and events with high calorie food and drinks available, larger portions sizes during meals which causes the stomach to adapt to large amounts of food, and multiple layers of clothing which can hide the holiday bulge making weight gain seem hidden and manageable. So as you can see, the weight gain that people fear is not a result of 2 days of eating, rather it is the accumulation of choices made during the 6-week period.
What is the plan of action against the holiday offenses? Let me give you a game plan and help you beat the weight gain trend for life.
Game plan for your activity before and after:
1. Studies have shown that if you exercise 30 minutes to 1 hour before the event and also first thing in the morning the day after, your body will store less of the calories as fat.  The body will only store it in a “temporary storage” area: the muscle cells. The problem is when there is not any activity or exercise. The body will then store it away nice and tight in a fat cell.  This takes a little more time for you to burn off in the future.
2. If you are in a situation where you absolutely cannot exercise, do anything you can to help clean, chase the kids around or straighten up any messes. Any activity is better than no activity. Just make sure to exercise at your next available time!
3.  Check out any local running or walking events (during the holiday season, you will have your pick because there are a ton of walks or marathons!) in your area and ask if any of your friends or family members would like to join you. This is a wonderful mindset switch to a day of activity rather than a day of lounging and stuffing our bellies.
4.  Find pockets of 10 minutes where you can do a short, but intense workout.  An example would be: 1 minute jumping jacks, 1 minute running in place, 1 minute body weight squats, 1 minute lunges, 1 minute wall or floor push-ups. Repeat this one more time for a quick, 10 minute workout. Sometimes when I have a lot going on, I put in my fitness video and I will do 10-15 minutes while multitasking and then return for the remaining 15 minutes. 

Game plan for your nutrition before, during, and after:
Even though avoidance is the surest way to keep from gaining weight, Aunt Sally’s cherry pie, your office Christmas party, and a large array of holiday appetizers, treats and munchies can be hard to resist.
1. One of my favorite ways of staying on track is contributing to the smorgasbord with my own dishes that I have made from home.  I set my own diet-safe appetizers along with the others so that I can avoid other foods that may be triple the amount of calories than I was planning on consuming that day.
2. Keep your calories lower the day before, and the day after so that you can afford to splurge a little on the day of the event.  More or less, one day of poor eating is not going to break you but continuously it will.
3. Fill your plate first with lean meats and freshly cooked vegetables (green beans over the green bean casserole).  Pick 2 of your favorite “splurge” items and put half the amount that your normally would onto your plate. Vow to not go back for seconds of those items!
4. Drink water before, during, and after you eat your meal. You will get a feeling of fullness that will keep you from overeating. Also, sipping on water or a non-calorie beverage can keep your from munching on things before and after you eat. Trust me, water is your BEST FRIEND!

Now, you have the tips but you have to apply them BUT don't forget to also live a little and to enjoy yourself too!


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