{Healthy} Grilled Cheese

Think about your childhood. What was one of the foods that you couldn't live without? Maybe you still can't. ;) That is grilled cheese to me. I know that no matter what mood I am in, I can always put down a grilled cheese. BUT they aren't always good for you... between the preservatives and filler calories for bread, amount of cheese and of course butter too.
So why not reconsider the classic favorite? Make it so that you can enjoy it but so can your kids and not have feelings of guilt afterward.
So here are a few options....
First you start with some basics. You need a bread. So get yourself some Ezekiel bread... it is a sprouted, gluten-free bread that is actually GOOD for you! Then get a block of cheese and shred about a one third to half of a cup of cheese.

So here is where you can start to make choices. You can choose to cook your grilled cheese in a HEALTHY FAT...we actually NEED some fats in our diets and kids are no exceptions so if you are making this for the family, think smart about what you use. You could use a tsp of olive oil or a tsp or grass-fed organic butter like Kerry Gold. Obviously in that case you would just put the healthy fat in a non-stick pan with a slice of bread, top with your shredded cheese and the other piece of bread. Cook each side on medium low for about 4 minutes each.
Take the slices of bread and put in a toaster oven on toast. Put a little cheese on each open face of bread and when done, put together. This makes your grilled cheese not only even a little bit more healthy but it is also less grease for little hands! (Trust me, it tastes good too!!)
Want an adult twist?
Cook up some turkey bacon and add. You could also add avocado slices, tomato slices or apple slices.
Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring or mean that you can't have things that you love... sometimes it just takes rethinking a little and bam, you have a healthy recipe for your family.


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