Easy Peasy HOMEMADE Chicken Tenders

Who DOESN'T like chicken tenders? Yeah, that's what I thought... not many.

I am one who likes to reinvent recipes. Ironically this breading for these chicken tenders came from years ago when I went to a restaurant and LOVED a certain dish that they took off the menu and had to recreate based on the little bit that they give you on the menu and my good old taste buds. But of course it wasn't exactly "healthy" so I took my own recipe and recreated it to make it something that I can call healthy and something that I have no problem giving to my child.
So what did I do? It is actually more simple than you think! Here is the recipe.
Healthy & Homemade Chicken Tenders
-a portion of a left over loaf of [no preservatives] bread... so bread from a local bakery and lasts a week or less in your pantry so needs to be eaten.
-3 or 4 ounces of a cheese block (I often use white cheddar)
-a pinch of pink Himalayan salt
-pinch of pepper
-1 tsp of Italian seasoning
-1/2 tsp of dried thyme
Blend in either a food processor or a good blender (I used my Ninja) until you have crumbs...the cheese will chop up in it and blend in too.

Next take some raw chicken tenders (you can either buy them as tenders from the store or cut chicken breasts into strips) to dredge in the bread crumbs. I took about a cup of the bread crumb mixture and put about 4 chicken tenders in it to coat. Trick is to make sure that you don't dry your chicken so that you don't have to "batter" them. My chicken was damp and so the breading had no problem sticking.

Take about a tablespoon or two of a good olive oil in a non-stick pan and heat at about medium. Place your well coated chicken into the pan once heated. You will cook the chicken about 4 minutes per side but you will be able to see as the chicken starts to turn white to know when to flip too. If you have extra breading from the dredge bowl, sometimes I will make sure to cover any "bald spots" on the chicken while it is in the pan.

And just like that, you have chicken fingers....and if your kid is like mine, they will be begging for more!

Want to make an adult twist to it? Chop up about 1/4 cup of kalamata olives, 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes and 1/3 cup of fresh parsley. Take 2 tsp of good olive oil + fresh lemon zest + 2 tsp fresh lemon juice. Mix the vinaigrette and the olive/tomato/herb mixture. Top your chicken with how much of the mixture that you desire. :)


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